Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)

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Washable Diapers Program Application Form


Eligibility Criteria

  1. Must have a child of less than 6 months old or be pregnant as of January 1st;
  2. Be a resident of Russell Township;
  3. Use washable diapers from birth to potty training;
  4. Sign up before December 31 of the current year;
  5. Submit documentation in the first six months after the birth;
  6. Purchase a minimum of 20 new washable diapers within the calendar year.

Applicant Information

Documentation Required


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif


Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif


I will use washable diapers for the entire period during which my child will wear diapers.
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