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Presentation Request

Presentations are limited to 10 minutes.

If your presentation is to request funding, please know that we offer a Community Grants program to non-profit community organizations, groups or associations for community projects and events.

Directions on Making a Presentation Request to Council

  1. Any resident of the Township of Russell desiring to address the Council shall complete the Form prescribed for Presentations under Schedule A2, and submit it to the Clerk of The Township of Russell by email or at the Town Hall, no later than Thursday (7 days prior) at 4:00p.m. preceding final preparations of the Agenda. If an application form is received after the deadline date or if the Agenda is deemed full, the application may be considered at the next scheduled Regular meeting. An application may also be refused.

  2. Related or background information shall also be provided at the time of submitting the application, and all such material shall be included in Council’s package for their review before the meeting.

To request a paper copy of the application form, contact the Municipal Clerk.

At the Meeting

All Presentation applications, shall be scheduled as the first item on the Agenda immediately following the adoption of minutes. The Mayor will invite individuals identified as the person or persons making the Presentation to the podium to speak on their issues.

Presentations are limited to 10 minutes.  Following the Presentation, Members of Council may ask questions. Upon closure of the discussion, Council may receive the Presentation for information purposes.  If a request for action on the part of Council is made, the matter will be referred to Administration or Committee for future report or further advice.


During a municipal, county, provincial or federal election, a registered candidate is not allowed to submit a Presentation Application Form.


© 2020 Municipalité de Russell Township  |  717 Notre-Dame St, Embrun ON K0A 1W1  |  Phone: 613-443-3066  |  Email Us